Transfer Placement Testing
In an effort to ensure you are registered in the appropriate courses, placement/skills assessments are offered – and some required – by certain departments. Students are encouraged to contact their designated academic advisor to discuss class registration and during this time the advisor should let you know if you need to take either any of the placement tests.
Student can view their assigned advisor(s) by logging into MyPack Portal > Student Homepage > Planning & Enrollment tile > Advisors tab (left-hand navigation menu)
Transfer students should make note of the following related to placement tests/skills assessments:
- All tests are available and completed online.
- Placement test for math may not be required if you have certain transferable math credit. Read the Math Placement website to determine if you should take the placement test.
- Transfer students should review the transfer policies of the First-Year Writing Program
- Based on your needs you may be required to complete placement tests in chemistry and/or foreign languages
View the placement tests/skills assessments at NC State and use the links to learn more:
- Chemistry Placement Exam
- Math Placement Assessment
- First-Year Writing Placement
- World Language Placement Test
Students that have a disability and need testing accommodations for placement tests should first register with the Disability Resource Office. Once registered, you should email the placement exam contact person and copy the DRO service provider so a verification email can be sent. Additional instructions may be provided on the webpages for each assessment.